Transfer plans
When ownership of land is being transferred from one party to another a transfer plan is required. The transfer plan will detail the boundaries of the land, giving the new owner full rights over it. The Land Registry requirements are the same as for title plans, as detailed below.
When land or property is registered a title register and title plan are prepared. Title plans are based on an extract of the Ordnance Survey map. They support the property description in the title register by giving a graphic representation of the registration.
A title plan shows the general extent of the land or property in a registered title, edged in red. The title plan is drawn to a scale of 1:1250 for urban areas and 1:2500 or 1:10,000 for rural areas. Some title plans have areas which are coloured, relating to specific entries in the title register, commonly rights of way and shared areas.
- Location plan 1:1250/1:2500
- North point
- Land registry compliant
- Fast turnaround (24hrs possible)